mantras for a working artist

5 mantras for a working artist

These are things I tell myself related to my art practice and art career. They help to ground me and give me motivation to keep on with this practice that has become my career. Perhaps you can use them too.

1 / Make a lot of artwork. Share it with people.

Artists make art. Making more art is the way for you to be who you are - to be an artist. This doesn’t mean you have to stick to one medium or subject matter. It does mean that you need to continue to make.

And then, share. Our world needs more beauty, imagination, hope and joy.

2 / Honor where you stand.

This stage is a beautiful stage. You are learning. You have room to grow. Master this stage and continue to master your craft. Show yourself patience and grace. The next step will come at the right time.

3 / Stay the course.

Consistency matters. Tenacity matters. Be persistent and keep showing up.

4 / Honor your gift.

Make. We each have been given different gifts. If yours is to make, make.

5 / Art doesn’t stand alone.

What you make reflects something of you. When others see your work, something of themselves gets added to the mix. It’s a beautiful thing.